Home Trading Software Should You Buy Trading Packages?

Should You Buy Trading Packages?

Should You Buy Trading Packages

Since the trading industry’s inception, various gurus have come out to the front claiming to provide the best strategy to beat the markets. They compile their knowledge on critical financial aspects and sell it to beginners or amateur traders in a trading package. 

Hundreds and thousands of promotions sell-off bundles claiming to have a win rate of 90% or above. 

Having a proper insight into the topic can help you set off on the right foot on the trading journey. Our article will discuss the best ways to filter out the noise and guide you on these products’ benefits and demerits.

Services that come with a trading package

A trading package can include more than simple information to help you even further. Let’s highlight the vital features most bundles come with today.


Mentors try to clutter as much information as possible within a package. Therefore, it is divided into various sections depending on the trading style, e.g., a price action bundle will come under the categories of support/resistance, trend lines, Fibs, supply, and demand zones.

Depending on the complexity and the type of trading package you order, the complexity and the content may vary.

Different mentors

Within the same bundle, different mentors can be available sometimes where you can choose to follow one that matches your personality or trading style. Some institutions have a group of senior traders that lead the juniors in a big room. 

Live support

Getting in hands or live experience with the top coaches is possible with most services. There are webinars and seminars that you can watch online or attend in person. Some of the best in the industry offer live streaming on their Youtube channels so that other traders can copy their positions and learn simultaneously.

Demo trading

Paper trading is available for special platforms that are made especially for the clients of big firms. Associating yourself with them also allows you to earn rebates and lower fees on all transactions.

Trading capital

If you turn out to be an active participant and show good performance, a trading firm or package may award you with capital to manage. A trader can then advance to receive more funding if he demonstrates consistency.


Under a single trading package, several groups are available for traders depending on the number of services they buy. Paying more can place one amongst the top traders and access to a better community. 


A few good services offer a trial period for 14 days or even a month. Using this time, a trader can test out their services and see if it is possible to profit. 

If you use the full features of a trading package, it is possible to reap the following benefits:

  • The learning curve of a trader improves drastically. In case traders learn on their own, the whole process of strategy formulation, implementation, and improvement can take a lot of time. 
  • It is possible to save a lot of cash as trustworthy systems try their best to keep you away from all the frauds.
  • They can provide you special expert advisors and indicators for free. This automated software might be sold for hundreds or thousands of dollars in the markets.
  • After learning from the best in the industry and becoming a pro, a trader can start his own services. 

Demerits of trading packages

While the benefits may seem catchy, there are some drawbacks to buying a trading package. Let’s highlight a few of them.

  • Scammers. The financial industry is full of fraudsters trying to rip you off your hard-earned money. The situation is no different when it comes to educational packages. With tons of bundles, it can be tough to select an authentic option for yourself.
  • No insight. These packages usually do not offer any insight or free trial into their program. You have to buy the product to get to know the methodologies.
  • High cost.The best educational programs are the ones that have a high price tag out of the reach of a regular buyer. They can range anywhere between $5,000 to $50,000, just for a single year.
  • Crowded. As tons of traders sign up for getting themselves educated, the trading packages are cluttered. This makes it extremely hard to ask questions to mentors. 

How can you select the best trading package?

Selecting a good learning program can be a hassle for beginners as well as amateurs. It may seem easy to avoid scammers, look for free trials, scan the top mentors, etc. 

However, the process is a bit more complicated than that, as filtering a ton of services will take time. Use the reviews on noted websites such as Forexpeacearmy to guide you. 

Searching for a good mentor is essential in this case. When it is hard for a trader to reach the breakeven or winning stage, he may require frequent daily motivation. 

The bottom line

Even with the best services, the chances you may fail are present if there is no practice and hard work from your side. A trading package can only help you to a certain extent. It’s the trader’s job to press the buy or sell button and manage his trade adequately based on proper risk management.


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