Home Crypto Best 8 Ethereum Blockchain Projects a Trader Should Know

Best 8 Ethereum Blockchain Projects a Trader Should Know

Ethereum Blockchain

Ethereum is a blockchain-based software platform that allows users to send and receive value around the world using its native cryptocurrency, ether, without the need for a third party.  Smart contracts are code-based programs that are recorded on the Ethereum blockchain and perform particular operations automatically when certain criteria are satisfied. That may include sending a transaction when a specific event occurs or lending funds after the collateral is placed into a particular wallet. 

In this article, we explore the best 8 Ethereum blockchain projects. Although we think they’re suitable investments, we are not offering any professional advice on investment management, and if you choose to invest in them, you’re fully responsible for your funds.

  1. Uniswap
Uniswap start page

Uniswap is an exchange that is totally decentralized – that is, it is not owned and run by a single company – and uses an automated liquidity protocol as a trading model. It’s also totally open source, so anyone can clone the code and use it to build their own decentralized exchanges. Users can even list tokens on the exchange for free.

Uniswap employs a model known as Constant Product Market Maker, which is a variant of the Automated Market Maker (AMM) concept. Smart contracts called AMMs store liquidity pools against which traders can trade. Liquidity providers contribute to these reserves. Anyone who deposits the equivalent of two tokens in the pool can be a liquidity provider. Traders pay a fee to the pool in exchange for a piece of the pool, which is subsequently divided into liquidity providers.

  1. MakerDao
MakerDao blog page

MakerDAO or Decentralized Autonomous Organization (DAO) is an Ethereum-based peer-to-peer organization that allows anyone to lend and borrow cryptocurrencies. Smart contracts are in charge of the loan and borrowing procedure.  MakerDAO determines lending rates and repayment amounts using the Dai stablecoin.

The Maker Protocol, also known as the MCD (Multi-Collateral Dai System), was created to expand the capabilities of DeFi and provide unique financial tools to its users and developers. As a result, the Maker Protocol, together with its Dai stablecoin, serves as a critical foundation for a variety of other decentralized finance systems.

  1. Aave
Aave home page

This is an open-source, decentralized, non-custodial liquidity protocol that allows users to provide and borrow crypto assets while also earning a return on assets provided to the network. The yield on any crypto assets given adjusts dynamically and algorithmically in response to supply and demand in the protocol.

After supplying crypto assets, a user may borrow other assets as long as appropriate collateral has been provided. Users can also engage in one-block borrow transactions via the Aave Protocol. The Protocol is decentralized and managed by Aave Governance, which is made up of token holders who can propose changes, amendments, or upgrades to the Protocol and vote on them.

  1. Curve Finance
Curve Finance home page

Curve Finance is a market maker that is fully automated.  It differs from other DEXs in one basic way: it prioritizes stability above volatility and unpredictability. In other words, it is a fantastic method to generate a steady and constant return on your safe bets. Curve can be thought of as a DeFi savings account.

Curve Finance has the lowest transaction fees, as well as the least amount of slippage and temporary loss. This is accomplished by focusing liquidity pools on assets that behave in a similar way. On AMMs like Curve, liquidity pools are constantly trying to buy low and sell high.

  1. 1inch
1inch home page

1inch (1INCH) is an Ethereum token that drives 1inch, a decentralized exchange that attempts to provide “the best prices by identifying the most efficient switching routes among all prominent DEXs.” To find the cheapest pricing for users, 1inch combines token values from various sources.

Assume you want to buy Wrapped Bitcoin (a synthetic form of the asset) on a decentralized exchange using Ethereum. If you look at other DEXs, you’ll notice that the pricing and fees vary. 1inch’s algorithm identifies the cheapest way to execute the trade by utilizing all of the available exchanges and liquidity protocols.

The Sandbox

The Sandbox marketplace

The Sandbox is an Ethereum blockchain-based virtual world where users may develop, control, and sell game experiences using SAND, the platform’s utility currency.

The centralized ownership and control of user-generated material in the present game market restricts creative rights and ownership. Due to the centralized control over the sales that they, themselves, create, players are unable to generate appropriate value for their creations.

Furthermore, demonstrating creative ownership of works can be difficult, particularly as content is copied, changed, and expanded upon. The current challenges are addressed by the development of a voxel gaming platform that allows creators to build, play, share, collect, and trade without relying on a central authority while keeping safe copyright ownership and earning native crypto tokens (SAND).


Decentraland home page

Decentraland is a virtual reality 3D platform that allows users to live in a simulated environment and participate in real-world interactive activities such as lands, avatars, identities, and virtual objects.

Land ownership is the primary motivator for players in the Decentraland Metaverse to monetize their time on the network, especially since the planet’s land is limited to 90,000 distinct parcels. Players are certified to own lands utilizing smart contract technology.

Players will have full rights to develop their own empire as soon as they own land, from building a dream house to hosting music festivals and pubs to make ticket fees, exhibiting art galleries to sell NFT art, and so on.


Chainink home page

Chainlink (LINK) is a cryptocurrency and technology platform that allows non-blockchain enterprises to connect to blockchain platforms securely. Chainlink is a piece of middleware that connects blockchain-based smart contracts to external data like baseball scores or market prices. Chainlink’s LINK currency is used to pay network operators and to secure smart contract agreements on the network.

Chainlink is a blockchain abstraction layer or a decentralized oracle network. It supports hybrid smart contracts by using blockchain technology to permit computations on and off the blockchain safely.


Smart contracts on the Ethereum blockchain are self-executing contracts that enable, verify, and enforce transactions. They are a significant innovation in Ethereum and blockchain. Best 8 Ethereum blockchain projects include Uniswap, MakerDao, Aave, Curve Finance, 1inch, The Sandbox, Decentrland, and Chainlink.


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