Home News Canada’s Efforts to Unveil Cap on Oil-and-Gas Emissions Delayed

Canada’s Efforts to Unveil Cap on Oil-and-Gas Emissions Delayed


OTTAWA – The Environment Minister of Canada, Steven Guilbeault, announced on Friday that the unveiling of a long-promised cap on oil-and-gas sector emissions has been delayed due to recent court rulings. These rulings deemed certain climate-change policies of the government as unconstitutional.

Guilbeault, who spoke to reporters from Dubai during the United Nations’ annual climate talks, stated that the government will provide the details of the oil-and-gas emission cap for energy producers before the end of 2023. The Liberal government had made a commitment to implement such caps during the 2021 re-election campaign. The objective is to prevent carbon output from the industry from increasing beyond current levels and to help achieve the target of reaching net-zero emissions by 2050.

In anticipation of his trip to Dubai, Guilbeault mentioned that he might disclose the broad outline of the policy while participating in the Middle East summit. The summit aims to assess progress towards targets established in a landmark climate-change treaty signed in 2015.

However, Guilbeault highlighted that the situation has become more complex due to court decisions issued in October and November. These rulings declared two key Liberal government policies, designed to address climate change, as unconstitutional. In October, Canada’s Supreme Court concluded that the environmental-assessment regime infringed on the exclusive rights, protected by the country’s constitution, for managing natural resources. Then, last month, a Federal Court of Canada judge ruled that the government’s ban on some single-use plastics was both unconstitutional and unreasonable. The judge also criticized the flawed decision-making process involved.

Despite these setbacks, the Canadian government remains committed to finding alternative solutions and fulfilling its carbon-reduction targets. The unveiling of the oil-and-gas emission cap will be a significant step towards achieving a sustainable future for Canada.

Challenges in Implementing Oil-and-Gas Emission Caps in Canada

The Canadian federal government faces challenges in implementing oil-and-gas emission caps due to concerns about provincial jurisdiction. Despite court rulings affirming the government’s ability to intervene in pollution matters, it is crucial to avoid overstepping boundaries. As a result, the release of the promised emission caps has taken longer than anticipated.

Alberta and Saskatchewan, both rich in natural resources, have opposed the cap plan proposed by the Liberal government. Legal experts, including environmental lawyer Alan Harvie from Norton Rose Fulbright, suggest that these court rulings could compel Canada to revise its climate change goals.

Data from the government indicates that the oil-and-gas industry accounts for approximately 28% of Canada’s total greenhouse gas emissions. Prime Minister Justin Trudeau expressed his disbelief at granting the sector an unlimited ability to pollute. This statement reflects the opposition faced by the government regarding its proposed policy measure.

However, Canadian business groups and economists have raised concerns that implementing a cap could compromise the effectiveness of the carbon-tax scheme. This scheme intends to treat all emissions equally in efforts to combat climate change.

In conclusion, while there are challenges in implementing oil-and-gas emission caps in Canada, the government remains committed to finding a solution that balances economic interests with environmental sustainability.


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