Home News California DMV Suspends Driverless Taxis in San Francisco

California DMV Suspends Driverless Taxis in San Francisco


The California Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) has taken action to suspend the operation of driverless taxis from General Motors Co.’s Cruise in San Francisco, citing safety concerns. This suspension is effective immediately, and there is no specified timeline for when Cruise, GM’s driverless-car unit, will be permitted to resume operations on the city’s streets.

Safety Concerns Prompt Suspension

In response to the suspension, the DMV has provided Cruise with the necessary steps to apply for reinstatement of its permits. However, these permits will only be approved once Cruise successfully meets the requirements outlined by the department. The DMV emphasized that this decision does not impact Cruise’s permit for testing with a safety driver.

Criticisms Surrounding Driverless-Car Programs

Both Cruise and Alphabet Inc.’s Waymo have faced significant criticism within the Bay Area and beyond for expanding their driverless-car programs at a rapid pace. These criticisms are partly due to their involvement in recent high-profile incidents. However, it is important to note that Waymo’s operations remain unaffected by the recent suspension.

Cruise has not yet provided a comment in response to this latest development.


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