Home News Reality Check: Misconceptions about China’s Chip Breakthrough

Reality Check: Misconceptions about China’s Chip Breakthrough


Everyone loves a good story, especially when it involves technological advancements. This week, media outlets have been buzzing with headlines about China’s supposed circumvention of U.S. chip sanctions and its significant manufacturing breakthrough. Some even suggest that China is on its way to catching up with the West in producing cutting-edge semiconductors. However, it’s essential to separate fact from fiction and understand the true implications.

Overstated Significance of Huawei’s Latest Phones

Amidst all the hype surrounding China’s chip-making capabilities, it’s worth noting that the significance of Huawei’s recent phone releases has been exaggerated. In reality, the new round of restrictions implemented last week is likely to hinder China’s chip industry rather than improve it. To provide a more accurate perspective, we’ll delve into the details.

Understanding Semiconductor Advancements

Semiconductors with more densely packed transistors, measured in nanometers, have historically resulted in faster and more power-efficient chips. The recent launch of Huawei’s Mate 60 Pro smartphone attracted industry attention, primarily due to a report from research firm TechInsights. According to the report, the phone’s main chip was manufactured on a 7-nanometer node by China’s largest domestic chip maker, Semiconductor Manufacturing International Corp. (SMIC). This detail was hailed as a significant advance for the country’s chip industry.

Putting China’s Accomplishments into Perspective

However, it is crucial to note that China producing 7nm semiconductors is not a new development. Last year, SMIC employed this process for a Bitcoin mining chip, as highlighted by TechInsights. Even if SMIC manages to achieve 7nm production for Huawei on a larger scale than before, it would still only match what Apple started using for iPhone chips back in 2018. In the ever-evolving field of technology, being five years behind is considered an eternity.

In conclusion, while the media may have sensationalized China’s chip breakthrough, it is essential to take a step back and analyze the facts objectively. Despite the optimistic narratives surrounding Huawei’s latest phones, China’s chip-making capabilities are not poised for a rapid surge. The recent restrictions are expected to create more challenges rather than opportunities for the country’s chip industry. We must be cautious about accepting exaggerated claims and evaluate technological advancements based on their true impact.

Huawei’s Silence Surrounding the Mate 60 Pro Raises Eyebrows

Huawei, known for its powerful smartphones, has taken an unexpected approach with its latest release, the Mate 60 Pro. Unlike previous launches, the company has chosen to remain tight-lipped about the device’s specifications and features.

Requests for comment regarding the manufacturing process of these new phones have also gone unanswered by both Huawei and SMIC.

Looking forward, China faces two significant challenges. Firstly, surpassing the 7nm threshold and moving towards the 5nm and 3nm technologies that have become the industry standard in the U.S. This transition requires cutting-edge chip-making machines, specifically ASML Holding’s extreme ultraviolet (EUV) lithography. However, China has faced restrictions on the purchase of EUV technology since 2019.

Moreover, SMIC’s current capabilities could decline further as it loses access to crucial components. The chip maker currently relies on older lithography systems called deep ultraviolet (DUV) to manufacture its 7nm chips. Unfortunately, ASML’s recent export control restrictions on DUV systems have made it increasingly challenging for China to acquire the necessary technology. Consequently, SMIC’s existing DUV systems may deteriorate if the company fails to obtain the required parts and services.

Despite recent fanfare surrounding Huawei, little has changed. China still lags significantly behind the West in terms of semiconductor manufacturing technology, and substantial progress in this area is unlikely in the near future.


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