Home News Millions of Australians Affected by Major Phone and Internet Outage

Millions of Australians Affected by Major Phone and Internet Outage


Sydney – A significant outage at Optus, Australia’s second-largest mobile network, has left millions of Australians without phone and internet services for several hours. The incident disrupted emergency services and caused chaos in transportation systems.

Customers of Optus, including hospitals, government departments, and thousands of small businesses, began reporting issues in the early hours of the morning on Australia’s east coast. Despite gradually restoring services after nine hours, Optus has not yet determined the cause of the outage.

Optus CEO, Kelly Bayer Rosmarin, stated that there is no evidence of a cyberattack and software-related problems are highly unlikely. However, government officials criticized Optus for the lack of timely communication about the situation to consumers and businesses.

Australia’s Communications Minister, Michelle Rowland, emphasized the importance of effective communication from Optus during such incidents. She urged the company to step up their efforts to keep people informed.

This is not the first time Optus has faced criticism for a slow response to a major incident. In 2022, the company took days to notify customers that their personal information had been stolen in a cyberattack. As a result, Optus faced legal action and set aside millions of dollars for associated costs and compensation.

Despite this recent outage, Rosmarin assured the public that Optus has invested heavily in its network and such incidents are rare. However, shares in Optus’ parent company, Singtel, have fallen by 4.4% in response to the situation.

The full extent of the compensation Optus will offer for this latest incident is yet to be determined.

Australia’s Largest Private-Hospital Operator Hit by Outage

Australia’s largest private-hospital operator, Ramsay Health Care, is among the businesses affected by a recent outage that has disrupted communications across the country. With more than 70 hospitals, clinics, and surgical centers nationwide, Ramsay was forced to redirect patient inquiries to its hospitals’ websites through its Facebook accounts.

Patients Left in the Dark

The outage has left many individuals, like Susan Parker from a rural area in Victoria state, grappling for information about their loved ones’ medical conditions. Parker, whose 84-year-old mother was admitted to the hospital with a bleeding leg, spent over six hours futilely attempting to acquire updates. Frustrated, she emailed the hospital but received only an automated reply stating that she would be contacted within 48 hours.

Implications for Businesses

Michelle Rowland, the government’s communications minister, predicts that many customers affected by the outage will seek alternative service providers. In what she describes as a highly competitive communications market, South Australia’s state government is already exploring options for migrating critical services away from the affected provider. South Australia Premier Peter Malinauskas revealed ongoing discussions with Telstra regarding a potential permanent switch.

Widespread Disruptions

Beyond healthcare, the outage has had far-reaching consequences. Trains in Melbourne, Australia’s second-most populous city, experienced significant delays, with over 500 services having to be canceled. The transport department in Victoria state reported that its call center was also affected, exacerbating the situation.

Communication Infrastructure: A Vital Component

Rowland emphasizes that the incident underscores the critical nature of communications infrastructure—an issue that has persisted in Australia. Reflecting on the ban imposed in 2018 on Huawei’s 5G technology due to security concerns, she highlights how telecommunications play an indispensable role in our daily lives.

As businesses and individuals navigate the aftermath of the outage, it is becoming increasingly evident that robust and reliable communication networks are crucial for maintaining the smooth functioning of essential services.


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