Home News The Rise of AI in Autonomous Driving

The Rise of AI in Autonomous Driving


Artificial intelligence (AI) has always played a crucial role in autonomous driving and related technologies. However, recent announcements at the CES tech trade show highlight the widespread embrace of AI across the industry.

The Future of Cars:

The integration of AI could soon become a reality in your next car. Qualcomm, a prominent chip maker, has been advocating for a “digital chassis” concept – an electronic platform that controls various aspects of a car including communication, entertainment, and assisted-driving functions. While Qualcomm may not have made any significant market-moving announcements at this year’s Las Vegas show, the potential for their automotive business continues to grow steadily.

Building Blocks for Success:

Nakul Duggal, Qualcomm’s Senior Vice President and General Manager for Automotive and Cloud Computing, identifies two essential building blocks for their automotive business: connectivity and computing. The computing aspect encompasses both in-cabin entertainment and information displays, as well as advanced driver assistance systems (ADAS).

Cost-Effective Innovation:

Qualcomm aims to provide cost-effective solutions to automakers by utilizing a single chip for both entertainment and driver assistance features. By doing so, automakers could potentially save tens or even hundreds of dollars per vehicle. To this end, Qualcomm recently announced a partnership with automotive parts company Bosch, introducing the industry’s first central vehicle computer capable of running infotainment and ADAS functionalities on a single system-on-chip (SOC).

Ensuring Safety:

While it may raise concerns among the general public and some engineers, merging control of a car radio with vehicle-handling capabilities on a single chip is not without careful thought. Qualcomm addresses these concerns by prioritizing safety in the design process of their SOCs. As in-cabin systems become increasingly integrated with overall car operations, such as mapping applications, Qualcomm emphasizes the highest level of safety standards.

The world’s infatuation with AI is evident, particularly in the automotive industry. With AI’s growing presence and advancements like Qualcomm’s innovative SOC, the future of autonomous driving and smart vehicles is undoubtedly bright.

The Future of In-Car AI: Innovations by Qualcomm at CES

Qualcomm is revolutionizing the automotive industry by developing System-on-a-Chip (SOC) technology that allows for multiple functions to coexist without interference. This breakthrough enables auto manufacturers to incorporate various features into vehicles at any price point.

One prominent theme gaining traction at CES this year revolves around the integration of sophisticated AI-powered chatbots to enhance the driving experience. According to Qualcomm Vice President Rajendra Duggal, voice assistants in cars will witness a significant improvement, allowing drivers to engage in full-fledged conversations. The AI technology will convert spoken words into text, process it locally, and comprehend drivers’ information requirements or tasks at hand.

Duggal envisions an innovative application of AI models for understanding a vehicle’s operations manual. This approach would empower drivers to easily interpret warning lights and troubleshoot operational issues. By connecting such a system to the cloud, drivers can access comprehensive information on resolving maintenance problems.

The frustration associated with deciphering vague “check engine” warning lights, often dubbed as idiot lights, may soon be eradicated thanks to AI-powered service information. By providing detailed insights into the underlying issues, drivers can overcome the challenges of vehicle diagnostics.

Another fascinating aspect of AI integration in automobiles is the potential for enhanced maps and navigation. By incorporating real-time data such as weather conditions, user preferences, and road updates, Qualcomm aims to offer a superior driving experience compared to generic smartphone-based platforms like Apple CarPlay.

Interestingly, Qualcomm’s technology facilitates processing within the vehicle itself rather than relying heavily on cloud connectivity. Duggal explains that their computing system can efficiently accommodate a compact version of Meta Platforms’ Llama 2 large language model with 7 billion parameters.

The future of in-car AI is bright, and Qualcomm is at the forefront of these groundbreaking developments. With their innovative SOC technology and emphasis on localized AI processing, we can expect vehicles to become smarter, safer, and more intuitive.


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