Home News Discovery+ Raises Prices for Ad-Free Subscriptions

Discovery+ Raises Prices for Ad-Free Subscriptions


This price increase is the first for discovery+ since its launch in January 2021 in the markets it serves. According to Warner Bros., the move is necessary to continue providing compelling content across various genres such as food, home, relationships, true crime, and the paranormal.

In conclusion, Discovery+ is raising its prices for ad-free subscriptions in order to maintain its ability to deliver captivating stories and entertainment to its audience. This adjustment reflects the ongoing challenges faced by streaming services and the need for a sustainable business model in this highly competitive industry.

Disney+ Premium Price Increase

Starting on Oct. 12, the pricing for Disney+ Premium will increase to $13.99 while its ad-supported tier pricing will remain unchanged. This follows in the footsteps of Netflix, who last increased their prices in January 2022.

Netflix’s Price Hike

According to The Wall Street Journal, Netflix is also planning to raise the prices of its ad-free plans a few months after the Hollywood actors strike ends. Although Netflix declined to comment on this matter, it is believed that the price increase will occur.

Changes in Account Sharing

Disney+ Account Sharing Policy

Economic Challenges

These changes in subscription prices and account sharing policies come at a time when Americans are already dealing with various economic challenges. Rising prices, high interest rates, and the resumption of student loan repayments are adding to the financial burden that many individuals are facing.


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